What is HoloHub?

HoloHub is an XR management platform allowing your organisation to have full control over your immersive transformation goals, from your immersive assets like content or apps and your devices to people within your team you’re looking to involve.

HoloHub allows you to manage, deploy and track your XR projects at scale across devices.


By using the latest security and cloud-based technology, HoloHub™ enables your organisation to implement XR on a global scale, reducing costs and making the most out of your investment.  


With the admin portal, you can easily manage user access and roll out changes, significantly reducing the time and effort necessary to ensure consistent content.  


Our platform captures various metrics including performance, usage and learning analytics (xAPI). Your HoloHub™ analytics reports allow for easier and faster informed business decisions.


By integrating with common systems (e.g. CRM, LMS, etc.) and offering custom integrations, the platform allows you to use your existing tools and share data with existing systems without disrupting your business process.  

Why use HoloHub?

What can HoloHub do for me?

HoloHub focuses on the infrastructure and user management necessary to use emerging technologies in your organisation. HoloHub doesn’t only host the content for you onto the platform, you decide how to manage content and the people in your team that will benefit from your next XR project while also allowing you to monitor performance.

What does HoloHub offer that other platforms don’t?

What other XR platforms offer is usually a practical way to simply host content which is not an end-to-end complete solution, opening questions on security which HoloHub already solves. Also, many other XR platform providers do not allow for the integration and collection of performance analytics to truly see how your team is using XR.

Why should I use HoloHub when I can save apps on my computer?

The answer to this question is simple and it mainly concerns security and access. The issues with choosing to store your apps or XR content locally on a computer or on a drive or Sharepoint are:

Apps stored this way are easily accessible to anyone, meaning you can’t be completely sure who is accessing your filesApps stored this way can't be deployed easily as they're not easy to install or start on the hardware/devices, meaning you might have to constantly fight with technical details every time you want to distribute your content

Is HoloHub safer than other solutions?

HoloHub offers a secure and reliable way to store and use immersive applications. Apps stored simply on your computer or with unpredictable solutions are at a greater higher hacking risk, your files become extremely vulnerable to being stolen and copied without you knowing who even did it.

What are the HoloHub
subscription plans?

The Free Tier

The HoloHub forever free tier offers basic features and functionalities for beginners of XR. You may not have a great deal of content to deliver or store, but still require a safe and reliable solution for your XR strategy.

✅  1-9 Users                                   ✖️  Analytics

✅  1-3 Applications                        ✖️  Reporting

✅  5GB Storage                             ✖️  Dedicated Support

✅  User Management                   ✖️  Integrations

✅  Content Management             ✖️  Group & Team Management

✅  Secure & fast deployment       ✖️  Developer Tools

✅ Cross-platform support

✅ Content Agnostic


The Business Tier


Is the free tier not good enough? Need more apps, more users or reporting features? “Business” is the one for you. This plan is designed for teams looking to actively use XR in their organisation towards a full digital transformation.

The HoloHub forever free tier offers basic features and functionalities for beginners of XR. You may not have a great deal of content to deliver or store, but still require a safe and reliable solution for your XR strategy.

✅  1-200 Users                            ✅  Analytics

✅  1-100 Applications                 ✅  Reporting

✅  100GB Storage                      ✅  Dedicated Support

✅  User Management                ✅  Integrations

✅  Content Management          ✖️  Group & Team Management

✅  Secure & fast deployment    ✖️  Developer Tools

✅ Cross-platform support


The Unlimited Tier

An ambitious plan for an ambitious XR strategy. Unlimited features and endless functionalities, including apps to improve productivity and collaboration. We’ll work together to guarantee HoloHub can deliver exactly what you need. 

✅  1-200 Users                              ✅  Analytics

✅  1-100 Applications                   ✅  Reporting

✅  100GB Storage                        ✅  Dedicated Support

✅  User Management                  ✅   Integrations

✅  Content Management            ✅  Group & Team Management

✅  Secure & fast deployment      ✅  Developer Tools

✅ Cross-platform support


The Free Tier

The HoloHub forever free tier offers basic features and functionalities for beginners of XR. You may not have a great deal of content to deliver or store, but still require a safe and reliable solution for your XR strategy.


✅  1-9 Users                                   

✅  1-3 Applications                        

✅  5GB Storage                             

✅  User Management                   

✅  Content Management             

✅  Secure & fast deployment       

✅ Cross-platform support

✅ Content Agnostic

✖️  Analytics

✖️  Reporting

✖️  Dedicated Support

✖️  Integrations

✖️  Group & Team Management

✖️  Developer Tools


The Business Tier


Is the free tier not good enough? Need more apps, more users or reporting features? “Business” is the one for you. This plan is designed for teams looking to actively use XR in their organisation towards a full digital transformation.

The HoloHub forever free tier offers basic features and functionalities for beginners of XR. You may not have a great deal of content to deliver or store, but still require a safe and reliable solution for your XR strategy.


✅  1-200 Users                                 

✅  1-100 Applications                      

✅  100GB Storage                          

✅  User Management                    

✅  Content Management               

✅  Secure & fast deployment         

✅ Cross-platform support

✅  Analytics

✅  Reporting

✅  Dedicated Support

✅  Integrations

✖️  Group & Team Management

✖️  Developer Tools


The Unlimited Tier

An ambitious plan for an ambitious XR strategy. Unlimited features and endless functionalities, including apps to improve productivity and collaboration. We’ll work together to guarantee HoloHub can deliver exactly what you need. 


✅  1-200 Users                                    

✅  1-100 Applications                        

✅  100GB Storage                              

✅  User Management                       

✅  Content Management                  

✅  Secure & fast deployment            

✅ Cross-platform support

✅  Analytics

✅  Reporting

✅  Group & Team Management

✅  Dedicated Support

✅   Integrations

✅  Developer Tools


Download the HoloHub Getting Started Guide

Whats Inside: 

2. A step-by-step explanation guiding you through the sign-up  process

2. How does HoloHub look like on different “distribution channels”?

3. How is HoloHub different from other XR platforms?

4. Visualisations and examples of how HoloHub looks like (e.g. what’s a Hub?)

How to use HoloHub with Mobile VR

Your Hub might look different in your headset. However, functionality is not limited, only made efficient depending on the distribution channel. Some actions make more sense to make in your VR headset than your desktop app. The VR app runs mobile VR (standalone) apps.

01. Register

Sign up online - it is quick and simple. You will get an email to confirm your account and you are all set up. You can access HoloHub™ on different devices, including desktop, mobile and XR headsets.

Register for free now!
02. Create a Hub

Your Hub is your central location for managing users, hardware and content. Create different user groups, set up your organisation’s identity (including avatars!) and customise your Hub.

03. Invite Users

The last step to completing your hub and registration to HoloHub™ is inviting other members of your team to HoloHub™. They will receive an email notification inviting to complete the registration on HoloHub™.

04. Create an Application

Quickly upload your XR content to a dedicated library and organise your apps depending on the use cases. From collaboration to training, HoloHub™ can help you deliver your chosen content to the right users in your organisation.

05. Download HoloHub on your Headset

If you have a mobile VR headset (standalone), head over to the following store to access the app. Always free and available on most stores!

Download via SideQuest
06. Launch your Application

To launch an app on your headset, login manually or use a PIN. Launch collaborative sessions or try the applications available to your team. Administrators can track their performance and progress from your Hub admin portal.

How to use HoloHub with Desktop VR

You can access your desktop app on your laptop or computer. You can manage and distribute content, track users and performance, and monitor your hardware remotely. The

desktop app runs desktop VR (tethered/with cable) and 2D experiences.

01. Register

Sign up online. You will get an email confirmation and you are ready to continue the set up. Access HoloHub™ on different devices, including desktop, mobile and XR headsets.

Register for free now!
02. Create a Hub

Your Hub is your central location for managing users, hardware and content. Create different user groups, set up your organisation’s identity (including avatars!) and customise your Hub.

03. Invite Users

The last step to completing your hub and registration to HoloHub™ is inviting other members of your team to HoloHub™. They will receive an email notification inviting to complete the registration on HoloHub™.

04. Create an Application

Quickly upload your XR content to a dedicated library and organise your apps depending on the use cases. From collaboration to training, HoloHub™ can help you deliver your chosen content to the right users in your organisation.

05. Download the Desktop App

To launch Desktop VR apps with a Desktop VR headset (tethered/cable) you will need to download the HoloHub app for Desktop. This step is simple and only requires you to download the app and login with the details you used during the registration.

Download the app here!
06. Launch your Application

To launch an app on your headset, login manually or use a PIN. Launch collaborative sessions or try the applications available to your team. Administrators can track their performance and progress from your Hub admin portal.

How to use HoloHub with Desktop VR

You can access the web browser version on your laptop or computer, or your mobile phone or tablet. You can manage and distribute content, track users and performance, and monitor your hardware remotely.

The web browser runs WebXR and soon stream XR applications.

01. Register

Register online - it's fast and effortless. You will receive an email for account verification, and you'll be ready to go. HoloHub™ can be accessed on various devices, such as computer, smartphone, and XR headsets.

Register for free now!
02. Create a Hub

Your Hub is your central location for managing users, hardware and content. Create different user groups, set up your organisation’s identity (including avatars!) and customise your Hub.

03. Invite Users

The last step to completing your hub and registration to HoloHub™ is inviting other members of your team to HoloHub™. They will receive an email notification inviting to complete the registration on HoloHub™.

04. Create an Application

Quickly upload your XR content to a dedicated library and organise your apps depending on the use cases. From collaboration to training, HoloHub™ can help you deliver your chosen content to the right users in your organisation.

05. Launch the Application

Users can now launch all of their applications and content, check their profile or join collaborative sessions. Administrators can track their performance and progress from your Hub admin portal.

Get started now!